Where There's Dr. B...There's HOPE!
Imparting Hope. Impacting Lives.
It's Time To Get REAL and HEAL!
This remarkable, eye opening book by Dr. Brenda Caldwell reveals the root reasons beneath issues like "Uns" ... Unhealed hurts, Unresolved issues, and Unmet needs! Father issues, mother issues, abuse, childhood hurt, relationship hurt, rejection, abandonment, shame, anger and betrayal are all matters of the heart that make forgiveness hard to do, even for Christians! Discover how to walk in true forgiveness in a way you never thought possible, and experience the favor of God in every area of your life!

From Charcoal to Diamond: Discover the Greatness in You, is a powerfully uplifting, inspiring, and informative book by Dr. Brenda Caldwell that offers remarkable insight into how the transformation of a piece of coal into a sparkling diamond relates to your own life. This interactive book is purposefully compact and power-packed to make an impact on your life as you uncover the secrets to maximizing the real greatness within you. Wherever you are in life, this book will empower you to realize your true value, worth, and potential!